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Heatbit Trio
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Mines 10 th/s at 400w
5 min Plug&Mine setup
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Get paid for staying warm
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372.085 SATS
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with 24 h/day usage at 400W
Perfect for
Trio lets you join the network in

5 minutes with an easy plug-and-play solution. Each device helps us decentralize Bitcoin, bringing mining back home and making it environmentally friendly.

Pet owners
Pet owners
Trio keeps your pets warm and effectively traps pet hair, dander and the dust your furry friends bring in. Not to mention the odors - a purifier by the litter box will do wonders
WFH Wizards
WFH Wizards
For those who've traded office cubicles for home offices, Trio is a co-worker of the year. It gets rid of lingering food smells, printer emissions and other pollutants, and makes you money, too
Allergy Sufferers
Allergy Sufferers
Whatever makes you sneeze and sniff, let Trio's HEPA filters protect you destroying threats you can’t see. Equipped with VOC and PM2.5 sensors, it will keep your air quality under control 24/7
Trio is your urban jungle's best companion. It battles city smog, traffic dust, and that "big city funk" that tends to sneak in. Say goodbye to urban grime and hello to fresh air in your concrete oasis
Super Parents
Super Parents
Trio is every family’s secret weapon against indoor allergens and germs that kids seem to attract like magnets. It ensures your little ones breathe in only the cleanest air, creating a healthier environment for your family
Wildfire Warriors
Wildfire Warriors
When smoke and ash threaten your peace, Trio becomes your mighty ally. It tackles wildfire smoke particles, ensuring your indoor air is a safe haven even when the world outside goes up in flames.
Empowering the next
generation of Bitcoiners
We've streamlined the mining process to its simplest form.

What used to take an engineering degree and technical know-how, now only requires 5 minutes and a WiFi connection
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